Fatal outcome with pregnancy and COVID-19


  • Víctor José Vasallo Comendeiro Hospital Militar Dr. Luis Díaz Soto. La Habana


reanimacion en la gestacion, tromboembolismo pulmonar, Covid 19


Introduction: Multiple deaths and infections due to the new coronavirus have occurred. In the midst of this context, the spread of the disease in pregnant patients has been well documented.

Objective: Present the events that occurred in pregnant women, in order to share the experience with those who treat these patients.

Presentation of the case: The case of a 24-year-old pregnant woman, obese, with a pregnancy of 25 weeks is presented. She was admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia and evolution towards severe respiratory failure led to her death during cesarean section. She was received in the operating room with hypoxemia and hypercapnia, tachycardia, cyanosis, oliguria and ventilated at positive pressure with 100% oxygen. She was treated with ketamine, fentanyl and rocuronium. At 35 min, and after hysterotomy, she presented progressive bradycardia, so external chest compressions and pharmacological treatment were initiated. The sinus rhythm was recovered at 12 min, but the asystole stop relapsed at 20 min, with cyanosis. Compressions and administration of epinephrine were implemented until death 30 minutes later due to non-recovery of rhythm and certain signs of death.

Conclusions: Multidisciplinary care improves treatment conditions at all stages. Individualized anesthetic management offers an invaluable strategy in cases like these, regardless of the outcome. Pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnant women is a latent risk associated with COVID-19, exponentially increasing its lethality.

 Keywords: Pregnancy; COVID-19; resuscitation in the pregnant woman; pulmonary thromboembolism.


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Author Biography

Víctor José Vasallo Comendeiro, Hospital Militar Dr. Luis Díaz Soto. La Habana

Medico Anestesiologo

Doctor en Ciencias Medicas,

Especialista de 2do Grado en Anestesiologia y Reanimacion

Profesor Asistente

Investigador Auxiliar

Diplomado de Gerencia en Ciencia e Innovación Tecnológica por el Instituto Técnico Militar José Marti (ITM) 



How to Cite

Vasallo Comendeiro VJ. Fatal outcome with pregnancy and COVID-19. Rev Cub Anest Rean [Internet]. 2022 May 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 13];21(1). Available from: https://revanestesia.sld.cu/index.php/anestRean/article/view/776



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