Change of paradigm in diabetic patients starting from the ankle block


  • Jesus Deylis Picrin Dimot Hospital General Docente Quirúrgico y Ginecobstétrico "Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto". Guantánamo
  • Marlene de los Santos Correoso Bravo Hospital General Docente Quirúrgico y Ginecobstétrico "Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto". Guantánamo
  • Marcela Flores Limachi Hospital General Docente Quirúrgico y Ginecobstétrico "Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto". Guantánamo
  • Dailis Picrin Dimot Hospital General Docente Quirúrgico y Ginecobstétrico "Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto". Guantánamo
  • Jesús Picrin Minot Hospital General Docente Quirúrgico y Ginecobstétrico "Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto". Guantánamo


Ankle-level block, diabetic foot, paradigm.


Introduction: the most feared complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) is the diabetic foot and, as a threatening consequence of this, the amputation of the whole limb, with all the psychological and social significance it brings. Ankle-level block, despite being a simple technique, is not standard practice for patients with impaired physical condition.
Objectives: to identify the effectiveness of the ankle block for surgical procedures of the foot in diabetic patients with compromised physical condition.
Methods: A longitudinal, observational, analytic, prospective, cohort study was carried out in a population of diabetic patients in Dr. Antonio Agostinho Neto General Teaching Hospital of Guantanamo, who were surgically intervened for infectious foot lesions and performed ankle-level foot-trunk block. From a sample group of 48 patients, through a probabilistic determination, a sample of 32 was taken during the period from February 2014 to February 2016.
Results: There was a predominance of urgent interventions located on the instep and knuckles amputation. Complications were minimal as related to the application of the ankle block technique, with only one failure of the technique; adequate hemodynamic clinical control was maintained, 100 % of postoperative analgesia was ensured.
Conclusions: the ankle-level foot block for surgical purposes is effective in diabetic patients' foot lesions, as it improves their quality of life by providing adequate anesthetic technique in efficient hands.


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How to Cite

Picrin Dimot JD, Correoso Bravo M de los S, Flores Limachi M, Picrin Dimot D, Picrin Minot J. Change of paradigm in diabetic patients starting from the ankle block. Rev Cub Anest Rean [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];15(3). Available from:



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