Jet ventilation during microsurgery of multiple laryngeal myxomas in a patient with anatomically difficult respiratory airway


  • Omar Seguras Llanes Licenciado FAR del HMC "Dr. C. J. Finlay"
  • Mónica Suárez García HMC "Dr. C. J. Finlay"
  • Carla Martínez Suárez Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana
  • Niurka Seguras Llanes INOR


jet ventilation, anatomically difficult respiratory airway, laryngeal microsurgery


Introduction: The larynx microsurgery involves the dilemma of a surgical field that coincides spatially with that of access to the patient's airway. Myxomas, especially numerous and supra/subglottic, represent a therapeutic challenge. If together with this fact, the patient presents an anatomically difficult airway, the formula for the catastrophe just needs to mix both with a conventional ventilation plan. In this case, jet ventilation can be the choice to avoid a disaster situation.
Objective: To describe the sequence of events and the outcomes when transcricotyroid jet ventilation was applied for the first time in the country.
Clinical case: In the face of previous failure of an intervention using a traditional method of ventilation, in a second intention for exeresis of multiple laryngeal myxomas in a patient with anatomically difficult airway, after obtaining her informed consent, we proceeded to anesthetize to obtain a transcricothyroid access to the respiratory tract, to ventilate with jet flows through a 16G trocar. The intervention, planned for 15 min, was extended for 90 minutes without ventilatory or oxygenation complications. The patient was discharged without sequelae.

Conclusions: Transcricotyroid jet ventilation was timely, safe and effective. Minor cardiovascular complications were easily controllable. Transcricotyroid jet ventilation was used for the first time in the country. This outcome stimulates the assimilation of jet ventilation technologies in elective or emerging contexts, such as the challenge of an anatomically difficult airway.


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Author Biographies

Omar Seguras Llanes, Licenciado FAR del HMC "Dr. C. J. Finlay"

Especialista de 2do grado en anestesiología y reanimación. Profesor Auxiliar. Máster en urgencias médicas. Diplomado en cuidados intensivos. Co-editor del sitio web de anestesiología y reanimación de Cuba.

Mónica Suárez García, HMC "Dr. C. J. Finlay"

Especialista de primer grado en cirugía

Carla Martínez Suárez, Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana

Residente de segundo año de cirugía pediátrica

Niurka Seguras Llanes, INOR

Especialista de primer grado en anestesiología y reanimación



How to Cite

Seguras Llanes O, Suárez García M, Martínez Suárez C, Seguras Llanes N. Jet ventilation during microsurgery of multiple laryngeal myxomas in a patient with anatomically difficult respiratory airway. Rev Cub Anest Rean [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];18(1). Available from:



Case reports