About the Journal

Focus and Scope

This journal is an Open Access serial publication. All content is accessible and protected under a Creative Common License. It is aimed at professionals interested in the most diverse branches of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Intensive Care and Pain, as well as other related specialties.

A continuous or in progress publication system is applied, with a quarterly frequency and each year volume has three issues. This journal publishes systematic reviews and meta-analyzes of the literature, review articles, original articles, case reports, editorials, opinion papers, event reviews, historical reviews, letters to the editor, clinical trial protocols, experimental articles in animals and obituaries.

Likewise, manuscripts, previously submitted on recognized preprint servers, are accepted for assessment and possible publication, with and abstracts in Spanish and English, as appropriate, photos and illustrations in digital format. Contributions in Spanish, English, and Portuguese are received without distinction in the country of origin. Manuscript submission, processing and publication is completely free.

Articles in this journal are indexed or summarized by BVS, Cumed, SciELO, SeCiMed, LILACS, medigraphic, Latindex (catalog 2.0), REDIB, DRJI, Google Académico , EcuRed, MIAR, SPAD and DOAJ. It has CITMA certification since 2006.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts must be only submitted electronically, via Management System of the magazine http://www.revanestesia.sld.cu

A manuscript receipt will be sent to the corresponding author. The Editorial Board will carry out the first review, within two weeks, to determine the relevance of the topic and whether the manuscript complies with the Publication Standards. In the event that there are essential deficiencies or the manuscript does not address a topic of interest to the journal, it will be rejected. If those deficiencies were only formal, it will be returned to the author for correction before the assessment process begins. The receipt date of the manuscript will start running after the correct receipt of the manuscript.

Subsequently, the article will be submitted to an external blind peer evaluation process (authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors) for which a guide will be used, according to the type of article, created for such purposes. Editorials, letters to the editor and event review are except of the external blind peer evaluation process, since they will be assessed and approved by the main editor.

The assessing period will be up to sixty days. In this period, the authors will be noticed on the editorial decision. If the article is returned to the authors to correct the indications, it will consequently require new assessment. The decision of the editorial committee will not take more than 90 days from the last date.

Once the article is ready in HTML format, it will be sent to the corresponding author to check the layout version in the original submission language. Meanwhile, a final review is made by the editorial office.

After the pertinent changes have been done, the article is published in an HTML version in a specific issue of the journal, according to the editorial plan and needs. The PDF version editing process begins, which will be subsequently published.

Acceptance articles for evaluation does not mean this Journal commitment to publish. Once the manuscript is submitted, it cannot be submitted to any other journal or publication source for consideration. The decision not to publish a manuscript is final; however, authors can submit their opinion to the committee.

If for any reason authors do not want to publish their article after having submitted it and in process, they must notice the journal's board in writing in order to avoid an ethical conflict.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Those manuscripts in Portuguese should have abstracts in Spanish and English.

Informative note: in April 2021 the journal will start with the open peer review system, in which there may be a direct exchange between authors and reviewers.  Strategy aimed at complying with the open science indicators.

Publication Frequency

The Cuban Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, from Volume 19. Number 1. 2020, will use the system of continuous or in progress publication. The journal will have a quarterly frequency and complying with the regular publication calendar, each year volume will continue issuing three numbers.

Open Access Policy

The Cuban Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation provides immediate open access to its content, based on the open access principle that offers free access to the research since it helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. It works on the basis of 2002 Budapest Open Access Declaration - BOAI. In accordance with this Open Access policy, users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles or use them for any lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barrier, outside those that are inseparable from Internet access itself (http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/translations/spanish-translation). All content in this journal is under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial 4.0 License (CC BY-NC), which allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any means or format) and adapting (remixing, transforming and creating from the material) , under the following conditions: authorship is recognized and no commercial use is made of the materials.

Under this Open Access policy, no charges are involved at any stage of the publication process, by any concept whether subscription, sending, processing, publication or reading of articles from our journal.


This journal is sponsored by the Cuban Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, created in 1950. The society is part of the National Council of Scientific Societies of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, member of the Federation of Societies of Central America and the Caribbean (FESACAC), the Latin American Confederation of Anesthesiology Societies (CLASA) and the World Federation of Anesthesiology Societies (WFSA).